All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAsyncDatagramSocket |
AbstractAsyncDatagramSocket.AbstractDatagramBuilder<B extends AbstractAsyncDatagramSocket.AbstractDatagramBuilder<?>> |
Base class for datagram and multicast socket builders.
AbstractAsyncSocket |
Base class for un-secure and secure TCP sockets.
AbstractEBusMessage |
AbstractEBusMessage.Builder<M extends AbstractEBusMessage,B extends AbstractEBusMessage.Builder<M,?>> |
Base class builder for AbstractEBusMessage
AbstractKeyMessage |
Base class for all system messages which contain a message
class name and message subject.
AbstractKeyMessage.Builder<M extends AbstractKeyMessage,B extends AbstractKeyMessage.Builder<M,?>> |
AbstractLogonMessage |
AbstractLogonMessage.Builder<M extends AbstractLogonMessage,B extends AbstractLogonMessage.Builder<M,?>> |
AbstractMessageType |
This non-abstract class is used for
abstract EMessageObject classes.
ActionLevel |
AddressFilter |
Stores a set of InetSocketAddress es and determines if
a given address passes the filter.
AdMessage |
Reports either a notification publisher or a request replier
advertisement to a remote eBus application and whether the
advertisement should be put into place or retracted.
AdMessage.AdStatus |
This enum specifies whether an advertisement should be
added or removed.
AdMessage.Builder |
AlarmCondition |
Reports whether a RQMonitor limit is exceeded or that
condition has cleared.
AnyChar |
This regular expression component matches any character.
ApplicationInfo |
Reports the application information.
ApplicationInfo.Builder |
ApplicationInfoReply |
Returns application information currently registered with
Monitor .
ApplicationInfoReply.Builder |
ApplicationInfoRequest |
ApplicationInfoRequest.Builder |
ArrayType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of an object
AsyncChannel |
Base class for eBus asynchronous channels, connecting eBus
network API users with
Java NIO selector via .
AsyncChannel.BufferMode |
Tracks whether a buffer is in insert or extract mode.
AsyncChannel.ChannelBuilder<B extends AsyncChannel.ChannelBuilder<?>> |
Base class for specific async channel builders.Responsible
for setting and validating the common parameters.
AsyncChannel.ConnectState |
Socket connection states.
AsyncDatagramSocket |
AsyncDatagramSocket encapsulates a
instance, passing I/O events back to DatagramListener .
AsyncDatagramSocket.DatagramBuilder |
AsyncLogger |
This class implements Logger interface with the goal
of performing the actual logging asynchronously on an eBus
run queue thread.
AsyncLogger.AsyncLoggerObject |
Logs messages using the nested logger instance.
AsyncLoggerFactory |
Utility class for creating AsyncLogger instances for
a given class or name.
AsyncMulticastSocket |
AsyncMulticastSocket uses the selector thread to
process process a DatagramChannel .
AsyncMulticastSocket.MulticastBuilder |
AsyncSecureDatagramSocket |
This class extends AsyncDatagramSocket (which see)
by providing an ability to create a secure connection using
AsyncSecureDatagramSocket.SecureDgramSocketBuilder |
AsyncSecureSocket |
Provides a secure version of AsyncSocket using and packages.
AsyncSecureSocket.SecureSocketBuilder |
Constructs an AsyncSecureSocket instance based on
the parameters set via this builder API.
AsyncServerSocket |
This class wraps a
java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel , passing I/O
events back to an ServerSocketListener instance.
AsyncServerSocket.ServerBuilder |
Constructs an AsyncServerSocket instance based on
the parameters set via this builder's API.
AsyncSocket |
AsyncSocket encapsulates a
instance, passing I/O events back to SocketListener .
AsyncSocket.SocketBuilder |
Constructs an AsyncSocket instance based on the
parameters set via this builder's API.
BigDecimalType |
Used to explicitly serialize and de-serialize a
BigDecimal instance using the long value and
int scale.
BigIntegerType |
Used to serialize and de-serialize a BigInteger
instance using the byte[] returned by
BigInteger.toByteArray() .
BooleanType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of boolean
BoundingBox |
A bounding box (usually shortened to bbox) is an area defined
by two longitudes and two latitudes, where:
Latitude is a decimal number between -90.0 and 90.0.
BoundingBox.Builder |
A Builder instance is the only was to create a
BoundingBox instance.
BufferWriter |
ByteType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of 1-byte
integer values.
CalendarFileHandler |
Logs messages to a user-specified file, rolling over to a
new file at midnight.
CancelRequest |
This message is sent to cancel an in-progress request running
on a remote eBus application.
CancelRequest.Builder |
CancelRequestCallback |
CharacterSet |
This regular expression component matches only those
characters listed in its set.
CharType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of 2-byte
character values.
ClassType |
This class is able to serialize and de-serialize a
class instance so that it may be sent
via an eBus message .
Component |
Abstract base class for all regular expression components.
ConcreteMessageType |
Base class for concrete message types.
ConnectionMessage |
ConnectionMessage.Builder |
Use this builder to create ConnectionMessage
ConnectionMessage.ConnectionState |
A remote eBus is either logged on or logged off.
DatagramBufferWriter |
DatagramListener |
Receives s from the
AsyncDatagramSocket with which the
implementing object is registered as a listener.
DataType |
All message fields have an associated DataType
subclass which is responsible for serializing and
de-serializing field values.
DateType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.util.Date values.
Decimal4jType |
Used to explicitly serialize and de-serialize a
Decimal -type instance using the long unscaled
value and int scale.
DeserializeException |
DirectExecutor |
Performs direct, synchronous runnable task execution in the
current thread.
DoubleType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of 8-byte
decimal values.
DurationType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.Duration values.
EAbstractHistoricFeed<T extends EObject> |
EAbstractHistoricFeed.Builder<T extends EObject,F extends EAbstractHistoricFeed<T>,B extends EAbstractHistoricFeed.Builder<T,F,?>> |
EAbstractList<E extends EMessageObject> |
EArrayInfo |
This field-level, run-time annotation is used to define two
attributes for variable-sized field:
EBusObjectInfo |
EBusObjectInfo.Builder |
Use this builder to create an EBusObjectInfo
EBusObjectReport |
EBusObjectReport.Builder |
Use this builder to create an EBusObjectReport
EClient |
EClient ties together eBus message routing and message
EClient.ClientLocation |
An eBus client is either local to this JVM or in a remote
EClient.ObjectState |
An eBus object is either on a run queue thread or off.
EClient.RQStats |
EClient.RQThread |
A Dispatcher run queue thread watches a given
run queue
for EClient instances ready to run, attempting to
acquire the next ready client.
EClient.RQThread.RQThreadState |
A run queue thread is either idle (waiting for an
available eBus object) or busy (running an eBus
EClient.RunState |
Defines the eBus client run states.
ECondition |
This interface allows ESubscribeFeed and
EReplyFeed to automatically test a message in order
to determine if it should be passed on to a client.
EConfigure |
This immutable class contains eBus services, remote
connection, dispatcher, and pause configuration.
EConfigure.AbstractBuilder<T extends EConfigure.AbstractBuilder> |
EConfigure.AbstractConfig |
Base class for service and remote connections.
EConfigure.ConnectionBuilder |
EConfigure.ConnectionRole |
Defines remote connection side, either acceptor or
EConfigure.ConnectionType |
Enumerates the channel types supported by eBus
ERemoteApp .
EConfigure.DiscardPolicy |
When a connection is paused and the server message backlog
breaches the maximum allowed message backlog limit, this
policy specifies which messages should be discarded to
keep the backlog at the limit.
EConfigure.Dispatcher |
eBus uses a Dispatcher to forward messages to
EConfigure.DispatcherBuilder |
Constructs an EConfigure.Dispatcher configuration
instance based on the parameters set via the builder's
EConfigure.DispatcherType |
Enumerates the supported eBus dispatcher thread types.
EConfigure.McastNotifyBuilder |
EConfigure.McastNotifyConfig |
Contains the notification message class and subject(s)
which defines the messages either published by a
EConfigure.MulticastConnection or subscribed to.
EConfigure.MessageCompilerType |
Defines supported eBus message compilers.
EConfigure.MulticastBuilder |
EConfigure.MulticastConnection |
A MulticastConnection instance is used to create
a net.sf.eBus.client.EMulticastConnection and
contains all the settings which define a multicast
EConfigure.MulticastRole |
Multicast connections are used to transmit
notification messages only.
EConfigure.MultifeedType |
A multi-feed uses either a fixed list of subjects or a
subject query.
EConfigure.PauseBuilder |
EConfigure.PauseConfig |
If a remote connection is to be paused, then this is the
allowed pause configuration.
EConfigure.RemoteConnection |
This immutable class stores the information pertaining
to a remote eBus connection.
EConfigure.ScheduledExecutor |
eBus clients should consider using
net.sf.eBus.client.EScheduledExecutor to perform
timed tasks since expired tasks are posted to the
client's dispatcher.
EConfigure.ScheduledExecutorBuilder |
EConfigure.ServerBuilder |
Constructs an EConfigure.Service instance based on
the parameters set via this builder's API.
EConfigure.Service |
This immutable class stores the configuration for an
eBus service.
EConfigure.ThreadBuilder<T extends EConfigure.ThreadConfig,B extends EConfigure.ThreadBuilder> |
EConfigure.ThreadConfig |
EFeed |
Applications interface with eBus through feed instances.
EFeed.AbstractClientTask |
Base class for eBus client callback tasks created by
EFeed.Builder<F extends EFeed,T extends EObject,B extends EFeed.Builder<F,T,?>> |
Base class for all EFeed builders.
EFeed.FeedScope |
Feed scope is either restricted to this JVM, to both this
JVM and remote JVMs, and to remote JVMs only.
EFeedState |
Enumerates an eBus notification message feed state: either up
or down.
EField |
All application classes intended for use as an eBus messages
field must extend EField .
EField.Builder<M extends EField> |
Used to create a new EField instance.
EFieldList<E extends EField> |
An ArrayList specifically containing EField
EFileNotification |
Used to transmit a Java WatchEvent
asynchronously to all interested listeners.
EFileNotification.Builder |
EFileNotification.EventType |
The watched file was either created, modified, or deleted.
EFileWatcher |
This class provides an eBus file watcher service, allowing
asynchronous notification when a file or directory is created,
modified or deleted.
EHistoricPublishFeed |
The historic publisher feed extends EPublishFeed 's
ability to publish notification messages to subscribers with
the ability to:
persist notification messages to a IEMessageStore
implementation and
historic notification requests
retrieving previously published messages from message
EHistoricPublishFeed.Builder |
Builder is used to instantiate
EHistoricPublishFeed instances.
EHistoricSubscribeFeed |
The historic subscriber feed extends IESubscribeFeed 's
ability to receive live notification messages with the ability
to seamlessly retrieve past notification messages from
historic publishers .
EHistoricSubscribeFeed.Builder |
Builder is used to instantiate
EHistoricSubscribeFeed instances.
EHistoricSubscribeFeed.HistoricFeedState |
Enumerates historic subscribe feed states.
EHistoricSubscribeFeed.PastComparator |
Comparator used to sort historic notification messages
by timestamp, publisher identifier, and message position.
EInterval |
Implements a time interval from one Instant to
EInterval.Builder |
EInterval instances may be created only by using
a Builder instance.
EInterval.Clusivity |
Specifies whether an end point is inclusive or exclusive.
EInterval.TimeLocation |
Denotes if a timestamp denotes the past, current time,
future, or future on-going.
ELocalOnly |
This class-level annotation is used to mark an
EMessage or EField class as local-only meaning
that the message may only be used within the JVM and will not
be transmitted to remote eBus applications.
EMessage |
EMessage is the base class for all eBus messages and
contains the message subject and timestamp.
EMessage.Builder<M extends EMessage,B extends EMessage.Builder<M,?>> |
EMessage.MessageType |
Messages are divided into four types: notification,
request, reply and system.
EMessageHeader |
Contains the EMessage header information.
EMessageKey |
Provides an immutable key based on the message class and
EMessageList<E extends EMessage> |
EMessageObject |
This abstract class defines the two eBus message classes:
EMessage and EField .
EMessageObject.Builder<M extends EMessageObject> |
EMulticastConnection |
EMulticastConnection is the API gateway to eBus
multicast communication.
EMulticastConnection.KeyInfo |
Contains a message keys's unique integer identifier,
source address and its current feed state.
EMulticastConnection.MessageReader |
This class is responsible for decoding the eBus header and
message from an AsyncMulticastSocket 's underlying
inbound buffer.
EMulticastConnection.MulticastKey |
Contains multi-feed notification key.
EMulticastPublisher |
This class is responsible for publishing notification messages
to its multicast connection.
EMulticastSubscriber |
This class is responsible for subscribing to notification
messages from its multicast connection.
EMultiFeed<C extends EMessage,F extends net.sf.eBus.client.ESingleFeed> |
EMultiFeed.Builder<C extends EMessage,F extends net.sf.eBus.client.ESingleFeed,T extends EObject,M extends EMultiFeed<C,F>,B extends EMultiFeed.Builder<C,F,T,M,?>> |
Base class for multiple subject feeds.
EMultiFeed.MultiFeedType |
A multi-feed either supports subject list or a subject
EMultiPublishFeed |
This feed allows an EPublisher to open one feed for a
given notification message class and multiple message subjects.
EMultiPublishFeed.Builder |
EMultiPublishFeed.Builder is the mechanism for
creating an EMultiPublishFeed instance.
EMultiReplyFeed |
This feed allows an EReplier to open one feed for a
given request message class and multiple message subjects.
EMultiReplyFeed.Builder |
EMultiReplyFeed.Builder is the mechanism for
creating an EMultiReplyFeed instance.
EMultiRequestFeed |
EMultiRequestFeed.Builder |
EMultiRequestFeed.Builder is the mechanism for
creating an EMultiRequestFeed instance.
EMultiSubscribeFeed |
EMultiSubscribeFeed.Builder |
EMultiSubscribeFeed.Builder is the mechanism for
creating an EMultiSubscribeFeed instance.
ENetConfigure |
This immutable class contains selector thread configuration
extracted from properties.
ENetConfigure.SelectorInfo |
This immutable class contains the selector thread
configuration for the named selector.
ENetConfigure.SelectorInfoBuilder |
ENotificationMessage |
Required base class for all application publish/subscribe
notification messages.
ENotificationMessage.Builder<M extends ENotificationMessage,B extends ENotificationMessage.Builder<M,?>> |
ENotifyFeed |
ENotifyFeed.Builder<F extends ENotifyFeed,T extends EObject,B extends ENotifyFeed.Builder<F,T,?>> |
Base class for notification publish and subscribe feeds.
EnumType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.lang.Enum instances.
EObject |
This interface solves the problem of start up and shutting
down from a non-eBus thread.
EPatternFeed |
EPatternFeed.AbstractMatchFrame |
A match frame tracks an in-progress match.
EPatternFeed.PatternBuilder<F extends EPatternFeed,B extends EPatternFeed.PatternBuilder<F,?>> |
Based class for pattern feed builders.
EPublisher |
Classes wanting to send eBus notifications need to implement
this interface.
EPublishFeed |
EPublishFeed.Builder |
EPublishFeed.Builder is now the preferred
mechanism for creating a EPublishFeed instance.
EReliableUDPServer |
Extends EUDPServer to handle reliable UDP message
ERemoteApp |
This class provides communication between eBus applications.
ERemoteAppContext |
EReplier |
Classes able to reply to eBus requests must implement this
EReplyFeed |
EReplyFeed is the application entry point for posting
replies to request messages to
EReplyFeed.Builder |
EReplyFeed.Builder is now the preferred
mechanism for creating a EReplyFeed instance.
EReplyFeed.ERequest |
EReplyInfo |
This class-level annotation is required for all classes
extending ERequestMessage .
EReplyMessage |
Required base class for all application request messages.
EReplyMessage.Builder<M extends EReplyMessage,B extends EReplyMessage.Builder<M,? extends EReplyMessage.Builder>> |
EReplyMessage.ConcreteBuilder |
Since EReplyMessage is not abstract and may be
instantiated as a concrete message, this builder is used
to create an EReplyMessage instance.
EReplyMessage.ReplyStatus |
An eBus reply is limited to either OK (success),
OK_CONTINUING (in-progress reply with more to
come), CANCELED (terminated before completion),
CANCEL_REJECT (cancel request rejected), and
ERROR (failure to process request and request is
ERequestFeed |
ERequestFeed is the application entry point for
posting request messages to repliers.
ERequestFeed.Builder |
EREquestFeed.Builder is now the preferred
mechanism for creating a ERequestFeed instance.
ERequestFeed.ERequest |
This class represents an individual request, tracking the
current request state and the remaining repliers.
ERequestFeed.RequestState |
A request is either not placed, active, done, or canceled.
ERequestMessage |
Required base class for all application request messages.
ERequestMessage.Builder<M extends ERequestMessage,B extends ERequestMessage.Builder<M,?>> |
Base class for request message builders.
ERequestMonitor |
Classes needing to monitor EReplier request processing
must implement this interface.
ERequestMonitorFeed |
ERequestMonitorFeed.Builder |
ERequestMonitorFeed.Builder is used to create an
ERequestMonitorFeed instance.
ERequestor |
Classes wanting to send eBus requests must implement this
ERuntime |
Provides a method to determine if running on Android virtual
EScheduledExecutor |
Executes given task, EObject pairs at a specified
EScheduledExecutor.CancelReason |
Provides reason for a timer no longer running.
EScheduledExecutor.IETimer |
A scheduled timer task which may be active, expired, or
EScheduledExecutor.TimerState |
An eBus-scheduled timer may be in one of three states:
waiting for an active timer to expire,
timer has expired and is no longer active, and
timer is canceled, will never expire, and is no longer
EScheduledExecutor.TimerType |
Enumerates supported timer type: single shot, repeated at
a fixed rate, and repeated at a fixed delay.
EServer |
Accepts new connections to this eBus application.
EStringInfo |
This field-level, run-time annotation is used to defines
two attributes:
charset : defines Charset
used to serialize/de-serialize associated String
ESubscribeFeed |
ESubscribeFeed.Builder |
ESubscribeFeed.Builder is now the preferred
mechanism for creating a ESubscribeFeed instance.
ESubscriber |
Classes wanting to receive eBus notification messages need to
implement this interface.
ESystemMessage |
Required base class for all system messages.
ESystemMessage.Builder<M extends ESystemMessage,B extends ESystemMessage.Builder<M,?>> |
ETCPServer |
Accepts new TCP (both secure and plain text) connections.
ETimer |
EUDPServer |
This UDP datagram socket "accepts" a new UDP datagram socket
from a remote eBus application.
EUDPServer.UDPMessageWriter |
Used to encode a UDPConnectReply message directly
to a datagram output buffer.
EventPattern |
EventPattern provides the two pieces of information
needed to do pattern matching: 1) the
notification feeds
providing the events used in the match and 2) the pattern
EventPattern.Builder |
Builder is the only way to create an
EventFeed instance.
EventPattern.FeedInfo |
This class provides the information needed by
EPatternFeed to
to a notification message feed.
EventPattern.PatternType |
eBus patterns come in two varieties: ordered and
FeedStatusCallback<T extends IEFeed> |
FeedStatusMessage |
Forwards a notification feed status to a remote eBus
application so it can be reported to the remote subscribers.
FeedStatusMessage.Builder |
FieldDisplayIndex |
This field-level, run-time annotation is used to define field
ordering for human presentation only.
FieldListType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization for
EFieldList .
FileType |
This class is able to serialize and de-serialize a
file instance so that it may be sent
via an eBus message .
FloatType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of 4-byte
decimal values.
GeoCircle |
Defines a GeoJSON circle by the center point, radius, and
radius units.
GeoCircle.Builder |
Builder class used to create GeoJSON circle instance.
GeoCollection |
A collection of GeoJSON objects of different types.
GeoCollection.Builder |
Builder class used to create GeoJSON collection instance.
GeoEllipse |
Defines a GeoJSON ellipse by the center point, major and
minor axes, and degrees of rotation with axis units and
rotation units.
GeoEllipse.Builder |
Builder class used to create GeoJSON ellipse instance.
GeoLineString |
Array of two or more positions.
GeoLineString.Builder |
Builder used to create GeoLineString instance.
GeoMultiLineString |
Contains zero or more GeoJSON line strings.
GeoMultiLineString.Builder |
Builder class used to create GeoJSON multi-line string
GeoMultiPoint |
Contains Position array which may be empty.
GeoMultiPoint.Builder |
Builder class used to create GeoMultiPoint
GeoMultiPolygon |
Contains zero or more GeoJSON polygons.
GeoMultiPolygon.Builder |
Builder class used to create GeoJSON multi-polygon
GeoObject |
Base class for all GeoJSON elements.
GeoObject.GeoBuilder<F extends GeoObject,B extends GeoObject.GeoBuilder<F,?>> |
Base class for all GeoJSON object builders.
GeoObject.GeoType |
Enumerates GeoJSON geo-spatial data types.
GeoPoint |
GeoPoint.Builder |
Builder class used to create GeoPoint instances.
GeoPolygon |
A polygon is one or more linear rings and a linear ring is a
LineString meeting the following constraints:
Has four or more closed positions.
GeoPolygon.Builder |
Builder class used to create GeoPolygon instances.
HexDump |
HistoricFeedDoneCallback |
HistoricFeedStatusCallback |
HistoricNotifyCallback |
HistoricPublishStatusCallback |
HistoricReply |
HistoricReply.Builder |
Builder class for HistoricReply message instances.
HistoricRequest |
Request for historic notification messages based on the given
date/time interval.
HistoricRequest.Builder |
Builder class for HistoricRequest message
IEFeed |
Common base interface for single- and multi-subject feeds.
IEHistoricPublisher |
Classes wanting to send eBus notifications using an
EHistoricPublishFeed need to implement this interface.
IEHistoricSubscriber |
Classes wanting to receive historic notifications from an
historic subscribe feed need to
implement this interface.
IEMessageStore |
This interface provides EHistoricPublishFeed the
ability to persist notification messages and to retrieve
those message for a given historic time interval.
IEPublishFeed |
IEReplyFeed |
Provides a common view of single- and multi-subject reply
feeds, allowing such feeds to be referenced in a common way.
IERequestFeed |
Provides a common view of single- and multi-subject request
feeds, allowing such feeds to be referenced in a common way.
IERequestMonitorFeed |
Provides a common view of single- and multi-subject request
monitor feeds, allowing such feeds to be referenced in a
common way.
IESubscribeFeed |
Provides a common view of single- and multi-subject
subscription feeds, allowing such feeds to be referenced in a
common way.
IInsertGenerator |
IMessageCompiler |
Classes responsible for generating message serialization/
de-serialization code implement this interface.
IMessageDecoder |
IMessageExhaust |
This interface provides an ability to exhaust messages passing
through the local eBus to a persistent store.
IndexCache |
Persists a one or more 4-byte, integer index values to a
specified file.
IndexCache.Index |
Tracks the individual index parameters and its location
within the cache file.
IndexPool |
IndexPool provides integer index value reuse.
InetAddressComparator |
Compares two InetAddress addresses using the address
InetAddressType |
This class is able to serialize and de-serialize an
InetAddress which may be either an
IPv4 or
IPv6 address.
InetServices |
The InetServices class looks up service port
numbers for a given service name, protocol pair in a
services files.
InetSocketAddressComparator |
Compares two instances
based on the address bytes and the TCP port.
InetSocketAddressType |
This class serializes and de-serializes an
InetSocketAddress which may contain either an
IPv4 or
IPv6 address.
InMemoryMessageStore |
InMemoryMessageStore.Builder |
InstantType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.Instant values.
IntType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of 4-byte
integer values.
InvalidMessageException |
InvalidMessageException is thrown when a message
class has an invalid layout.
InvokeMessageCompiler |
InvokeMessageType |
This message type serializes and de-serializes an given eBus
message class instance using
java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle to access message fields
(when serializing) and message builder methods (when
IRetrieveGenerator |
Generates SQL statement to retrieve the specified eBus
notification message key for the given time interval.
ISubjectListener |
eBus clients wishing to be informed about new subjects should
implement this interface and register with
ESubject.addListener(ISubjectListener) .
JarFileLoader |
This class extends URLClassLoader , providing
the ability to load a class from a Java jar file introduced
after JVM starts.
JavaMessageCompiler |
KeyMessage |
This system message is used to exchange
message key-to-identifier mappings.
KeyMessage.Builder |
LazyString |
LineString |
Contains two or more Position s used to define a
LineString.Builder |
Builder class used to create LineString
Literal |
This regular expression component matches one character.
LocalDateTimeType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.LocalDateTime values.
LocalDateType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.LocalDate values.
LocalMessageType |
LocalTimeType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.LocalTime values.
LogoffMessage |
Message sent to logoff from a remote eBus application.
LogoffMessage.Builder |
LogonCompleteMessage |
This message is sent by both ERemoteApp peers to
signal that all initial advertisements are sent, completing
the logon process.
LogonCompleteMessage.Builder |
LogonMessage |
This message is sent to logon to a remote eBus application.
LogonMessage.Builder |
LogonReply |
This message is sent in reply to a logon message.
LogonReply.Builder |
LongType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of 8-byte
integer values.
MatchCondition |
Implement this method to test if the latest event matches the
MatchEvent |
A match event reports an event pattern match.
MatchEvent.Builder |
McastKeyMessage |
EMulticastPublisher s announce the mapping between a
message key and its publisher-assigned unique identifier.
McastKeyMessage.Builder |
McastSubscribeMessage |
A EMulticastSubscriber multicasts this message after
joining the multicast group.
McastSubscribeMessage.Builder |
MessageCallback<M extends EMessage> |
This functional interface may be used to deliver generic
eBus messages to a target method.
MessageCompileException |
MessageKeyType |
MessageListType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization for
EMessageList .
MessageType |
This class provides binary serialization/de-serialization for
a unique EMessageObject sub-class.
MessageType.MessageField |
Stores a field index, field name, class field, eBus data
MessageType.MessageFieldBuilder |
Builder for a MessageField instance.
Monitor |
This class provides the ability to instrument
eBus objects and monitor those instrumented
object's status.
MonitoredObjectReply |
Returns persistent status for all currently registered
monitored objects within the eBus virtual machine, specified
as an array of PersistentStatusMessage s.
MonitoredObjectReply.Builder |
Builder class used to create a
MonitoredObjectReply instance.
MonitoredObjectRequest |
Requests persistent status all eBus objects registered with
Monitor .
MonitoredObjectRequest.Builder |
MonitorId |
A passive, immutable class for storing a monitored object's
type name, instance name and its assigned unique, 4-byte
integer identifier.
MonitorId.Builder |
Builder class used to create an
MonitorId field.
MonitorUpdate |
MonitorUpdate.Builder |
MonitorUpdate.UpdateType |
MonitorUpdate has four types: object registration,
on-going status update, transient status update, and
object de-registration.
MonthDayType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.MonthDay values.
MulticastMessage |
Reports multicast connection current state.
MulticastMessage.Builder |
Use this builder to create MulticastMessage
MulticastMessage.MulticastState |
A multicast connection is either joined to its group or
MultiKey |
Allows multi-valued keys to be used in Java's single key
Map collections.
MultiKey2<K1,K2> |
This MultiKey subclass uses generics to guarantee
key type and order.
MultiKey3<K1,K2,K3> |
This MultiKey subclass uses generics to guarantee
key type and order.
MultiKey4<K1,K2,K3,K4> |
This MultiKey subclass uses generics to guarantee
key type and order.
NotifyCallback<T extends ENotificationMessage> |
NullHandler |
This handler quietly does nothing with the given log records.
OffsetDateTimeType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.OffsetDateTime values.
OffsetTimeType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.OffsetTime values.
OrderedRunner |
This class extends
org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner and overrides
the computeTestMethods() method to guarantee that
test methods are run in a user-defined order using the
TestIndex annotation.
Pattern |
A compiled regular expression representation.
PatternFormatter |
Formats LogRecord s using printf -like
format specifiers.
PauseReply |
PauseReply.Builder |
PauseRequest |
This message is sent to request a connection pause with the
remote eBus application.
PauseRequest.Builder |
PeriodType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.Period values.
PersistentStatusMessage |
Reports a monitorable object's on-going status.
PersistentStatusMessage.Builder |
Position |
A position is the fundamental geometry construct.
Position.Builder |
Position instances may be created only by using
a Builder instance.
Properties |
Properties extends
java.util.Properties to include:
Loading properties from a named file and returning
a net.sf.eBus.util.Properties object.
PropertiesEvent |
Contains the updated Properties object as event
PropertiesListener |
PublishStatusEvent |
Notification event used to report and persist publish feed
status updates.
PublishStatusEvent.Builder |
Builder class for PublishStatusEvent message
RegexLexerContext |
RemoteAck |
Acknowledges receipt of a request message from a remote eBus
RemoteAck.Builder |
ReplyCallback |
RequestCallback |
ResumeReply |
Response to a connection resume request.
ResumeReply.Builder |
ResumeRequest |
When an eBus application wants to resume a previous
connection, it sends this ResumeRequest message
instead of LogonMessage which is used to establish a
new connection.
ResumeRequest.Builder |
RQMonitor |
Monitors eBus run queue threads in four
Looks for eBus objects monopolizing a run queue by
running on that thread longer than the configured
maximum run quantum (as specified when the
monitor is started ).
RQThreadInfo |
RQThreadInfo.Builder |
Use this builder to create an RQThreadInfo
RQThreadReport |
Reports current status of all existing run queue threads.
RQThreadReport.Builder |
Use this builder to create an RQThreadReport
SecureDatagramListener |
Extends the DatagramListener interface with callback
methods used to inform the listener when DTLS secure handshake
has successfully completed or when the secure connection is
SequentialTask |
When using a thread pool to execute tasks there is no
guarantee the tasks will be executed in the same sequential
order as offered to the pool.
ServerMessage |
ServerMessage.Builder |
Use this builder to create ServerMessage
ServerSocketListener |
Receives newly accepted
java.nio.channels.SocketChannel instances
from AsyncServerSocket .
ShortType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of 2-byte
integer values.
ShutdownHook |
Provides a simple way for an console-based, Java application
main thread to wait until the virtual machine terminates.
SocketListener |
SqlMessageStore |
This class implements IEMessageStore providing the
ability to store events to and retrieve events from a
Java SQL connection .
SqlMessageStore.Builder |
StatusReport |
Writes a status report to a log at a specified
StatusReport.ReportFrequency |
Enumerates the allowed status report frequencies:
FIVE_MINUTE: generate a report every five minutes on
the five minute.
StatusReporter |
Implement this interface when you want an object to append
its information to the status report.
StringType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.lang.String objects.
SubjectType |
ISubjectListener updates are for two message key
types: notification and request.
SubscribeMessage |
This message is sent to a remote publisher to have a
notification feed either started or stopped.
SubscribeMessage.Builder |
SystemMessageType |
TernarySearchTree<V> |
Ternary search tree (TST)-based implementation of the
Map interface.
TestIndex |
This annotation is used to provide ordering to JUnit 4 tests.
ThreadAffinity |
ThreadAffinityConfigure |
ThreadAffinityConfigure.AffinityType |
These affinity types map to a specific
AffinityLock static method used to acquire an
affinity lock.
ThreadAffinityConfigure.Builder |
ThreadDenialUpdate |
ThreadDenialUpdate.Builder |
Use this builder to create ThreadDenialUpdate
ThreadOverrunUpdate |
Reports a change in an EClient run queue thread
( net.sf.eBus.client.EClient.RQThread ) state.
ThreadOverrunUpdate.Builder |
Use this builder to create ThreadOverrunUpdate
ThreadType |
Lists the thread types available to eBus users when
configuring eBus.
ThreadType |
Lists the thread types available to eBus users when
configuring eBus.
TimerEvent |
TimerReply |
TimerReply.Builder |
TimerRequest |
TimerRequest.Builder |
TimerRequest builder.
TimerTask |
TimerTaskListener |
Token |
Contains the token's type, corresponding Java object, raw
text and the input line number where the token was found.
TokenLexer |
Provides a generalized token lexer capability.
TokenLexer.LexMode |
The lexer will either analyze the tokens identifying the
type or collect raw input until a terminating delimiter
is found.
TokenLexerContext |
TransientStatusMessage |
Reports a monitored object's transient event.
TransientStatusMessage.Builder |
UdpConnectReply |
Response to a UdpConnectRequest containing the UDP
port to which the initiator should send packets.
UdpConnectReply.Builder |
Collects a UdpConnectReply field settings and
provides validation.
UdpConnectRequest |
When eBus applications are connecting via UDP, this message
is sent from the eBus application initiating the connection to
the eBus application accepting the connection.
UdpConnectRequest.Builder |
UdpDisconnectReply |
UdpDisconnectReply.Builder |
Class used to create UDP disconnect reply message.
UdpDisconnectRequest |
Message used by UDP connect types to request that the
"connection" be dropped.
UdpDisconnectRequest.Builder |
Builder needed to create UDP message disconnect messages.
UnknownFieldException |
This exception is thrown when an unknown message field is
UnknownMessageException |
This exception is thrown when an unknown message identifier
is referenced.
UriType |
Provides binary serialization of a URI
UUIDType |
Provides binary serialization of a UUID instance.
ValidationException |
This exception is thrown when message build fails due to an
incorrectly configured message.
Validator |
This class is used to collect invalid builder settings,
combining the invalid field names with text explaining why
the field is invalid.
YearMonthType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.YearMonth values.
YearType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.Year values.
ZonedDateTimeType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.ZonedDateTime values.
ZoneIdType |
ZoneOffsetType |
Provides binary serialization/de-serialization of
java.time.ZoneOffset values.